Morris Foundation - Morris House
Treatment, prevention, and support services to adults, children or families affected by alcohol or other drugs and related mental health problems.


Morris Foundation is a behavioral health agency. We seek to empower individuals to create change and maintain recovery from addiction and mental health disorders.

Core Values

* Respect: person-centered, value diversity, culturally sensitive
* Integrity: do what we say; say what we do, honest in dealing with funders, colleagues, employees, and community at large
* Quality: expertise in our work, the way we care
* Community: partnering with groups in the community, building up of the community


In a spirit of compassion, genuine caring and respect, Morris Foundation will be a premier provider of comprehensive recovery services. We envision being a dynamic healthcare partner in the community promoting positive change, education, and mental wellness.

Morris Foundation
Morris House
26 N Elm St
Waterbury CT 06702
Tel: 800 721-1490; 203 574-3986
Fax: 203 597-5459

Morris House offers a unique model of residential care for adult men diagnosed with an addiction and/or addiction and mental health problem. The intermediate treatment program is followed by long-term transitional care with a goal of successful integration into the community. Average length of stay: three to six months.

Assessment of Needs

Individualized Care Consisting of:
* Group Therapy
* Individual Counseling
* Educational Groups
* Family Involvement

Vocational Assistance
* Resume Writing
* Job Search
* Employment Support

Transitional Assistance to the Community
* Housing and Sober House Referrals

Self-Help and 12-Step Meetings
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